Operator Competence Scheme and Technical Competent Manager (TCM)

The operator competence scheme is for permitted waste facilities in England and Wales to demonstrate they employ technically competent people with the knowledge and skills to ensure waste sites comply with Environmental Permitting Regulations (2019).

Enviro-Stack Ltd offer the operator competence scheme as well as the certificate of technical competence i.e. COTC and TCM.

To see what we have on offer please click here.

If you are currently undertaking an operator competence certificate and you need any help or assistance, we do offer mentoring so please contact us direct for further information on 01270 587507 or email on info@envirostack.co.uk.

Continuing Competence Bi-annual Testing (Pearson Vue Test Centre)

The CIWM/WAMITAB continuing competence scheme is designed to ensure that the technically competent person certificate of technical competence holder, units or a qualification that is part of the operator competence scheme) on a waste site has knowledge and skills that keep pace with changes made across the waste management industry, such as the introduction of new legislation, technologies and techniques.

For further information on the refresher training we have on offer please click here or alternatively contact us direct on 01270 587507 or email on info@envirostack.co.uk.

Continuing Competence Revision Training (TCM) throughout the year


One-Day Revision Training Programmes, Generic plus Activities

Revision Guides will be provided based on CIWM publication



Next scheduled course Wednesday 8th November 2023.

Venue: Crewe 2-Minutes from Crewe Railway Station

Face to Face practical training by a Competent Assessor

Designed to give you the underpinning knowledge, based on the three generic syllabus guides, plus your designated EA permitted activity.

Who should attend?

1. Anyone who needs to conduct their Primary Competence Bi-Annual Test at a Pearson Vue Test Centre.

2. Learners undergoing CIWM Primary qualifications.

3. Newcomers to the Waste Resource Management Sector

For further information on the course, please contact directly on 01270 587507 or email on info@envirostack.co.uk.

continuing competence


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